The 0117 area code covers Bristol and the surrounding area.
Please note that an 0117 number does not necessarily come from this location, although the majority do.
People or businesses based outside of this geographical location may still register 0117 numbers.
This is often done to give the impression of having a local presence.
Have you been called by a number beginning 0117?
For full numbers beginning 0117, click here to get info on who called.
The correct way to write number beginning 0117 is in the format 0117 xxx xxxx
The local number (the part of the number after the dialling code) is 7 digits long
When calling from a land line, calls to 0117 numbers can cost up to 10p per minute, dependent on the
time of day, and there is usually also a call set-up fee.
When calling from mobile phones, calls to
these numbers cost between 10p and 40p per minute.
Most land line operators offer inclusive call packages which allow calls free at certain times of the day, or at all times, and most mobile companies include free any-time minutes in the monthly contract payment, or a bundle of minutes for a reduced cost in the form of a top-up credit.
Codes near to the 0117 area code: