Code allocations for the 017687 STD code


  • Status
  • Operators : 0
  • Latest change : February 2025
Click here for Status definitions
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Find out about the location and calling costs for 017687 numbers on our 017687 code page.

This page contains information about which telephone companies the various 017687 numbers are allocated to.

First Digits Status Communications Provider Number Length Change
01768 70 Protected - (0)+10 -
01768 71 Protected - (0)+10 -
017687 20 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 07/12/2010
01768 7210 Free - 5+5 -
017687 211 Allocated Simwood eSMS Limited 5+5 16/04/2013
01768 7212 Free - 5+5 -
01768 7213 Free - 5+5 -
01768 7214 Free - 5+5 -
017687 215 Allocated IOVOX Limited 5+5 22/08/2013
017687 216 Allocated IOVOX Limited 5+5 23/10/2014
01768 7217 Free - 5+5 -
01768 7218 Free - 5+5 -
01768 7219 Free - 5+5 -
01768 7220 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7221 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7222 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7223 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7224 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7225 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7226 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7227 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7228 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7229 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7230 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7231 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7232 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7233 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7234 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7235 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7236 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7237 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7238 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7239 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7240 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7241 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7242 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7243 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7244 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7245 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7246 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7247 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7248 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7249 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7250 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7251 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7252 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7253 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7254 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7255 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7256 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7257 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7258 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7259 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 726 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7270 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7271 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7272 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7273 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7274 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7275 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7276 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7277 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7278 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7279 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 28 Allocated Vodafone Ltd (C&W) 5+5 22/06/2010
017687 29 Allocated Vodafone Ltd (C&W) 5+5 22/06/2010
017687 30 Allocated Danemere Street Creative 5+5 22/06/2005
01768 731 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 32 Allocated Syntec Limited 5+5 22/12/2005
01768 7330 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7331 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7332 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7333 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7334 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7335 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7336 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7337 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7338 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7339 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 34 Allocated Inclarity Communications Ltd 5+5 07/06/2006
017687 35 Allocated Coms.Com Ltd 5+5 10/07/2006
017687 36 Allocated TTNC Limited 5+5 04/10/2006
017687 37 Allocated Net Solutions Europe Limited 5+5 07/02/2006
017687 38 Allocated Spitfire Network Services Ltd 5+5 22/08/2006
017687 39 Allocated TelNG Limited 5+5 28/02/2007
017687 40 Allocated Localphone Limited 5+5 14/05/2007
017687 41 Allocated Frontier Systems Ltd 5+5 27/09/2007
017687 42 Allocated Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd 5+5 01/10/2007
017687 43 Allocated Teledesign Ltd 5+5 04/10/2007
017687 44 Allocated TalkTalk Communications Limited 5+5 08/10/2007
017687 45 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 07/10/2008
017687 46 Allocated 3C Limited 5+5 24/10/2008
017687 47 Allocated Barritel Limited 5+5 26/11/2008
01768 7480 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7481 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7482 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7483 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7484 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7485 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7486 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7487 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7488 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7489 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7490 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7491 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7492 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7493 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7494 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7495 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7496 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7497 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7498 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 7499 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 50 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 28/01/2010
01768 751 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 752 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 53 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 28/01/2010
01768 754 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 755 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 756 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 57 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 28/01/2010
017687 58 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 28/01/2010
017687 59 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 18/02/2010
017687 60 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
017687 61 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
017687 62 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
017687 63 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
017687 64 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
01768 765 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 766 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 67 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
01768 768 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 769 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 7 Allocated BT 5+5 15/07/1994
017687 8 Allocated BT 5+5 30/11/1998
017687 90 Allocated British Sky Broadcasting Limited 5+5 06/07/2012
01768 791 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 792 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 793 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 794 Protected - 5+5 -
01768 795 Protected - 5+5 -
017687 96 Allocated Timico Limited 5+5 20/05/2008
017687 97 Allocated VoIP-Un Limited 5+5 05/11/2007
017687 98 Allocated Telephony Services Limited 5+5 27/12/2007
01768 799 Protected - N/A -