Code allocations for the 015396 STD code


  • Status
  • Operators : 0
  • Latest change : February 2025
Click here for Status definitions
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Find out about the location and calling costs for 015396 numbers on our 015396 code page.

This page contains information about which telephone companies the various 015396 numbers are allocated to.

First Digits Status Communications Provider Number Length Change
01539 60 Protected - (0)+10 -
01539 61 Protected - (0)+10 -
015396 2 Allocated BT 5+5 15/07/1994
015396 30 Allocated Frontier Systems Ltd 5+5 27/09/2007
015396 31 Allocated Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd 5+5 15/10/2007
015396 32 Allocated VoIP-Un Limited 5+5 31/10/2007
015396 33 Allocated Telephony Services Limited 5+5 04/01/2008
015396 34 Allocated TalkTalk Communications Limited 5+5 01/04/2008
015396 35 Allocated Telecom2 Ltd 5+5 11/09/2009
015396 36 Allocated Timico Limited 5+5 30/04/2008
015396 37 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 10/10/2008
015396 38 Allocated Voxbone SA 5+5 23/09/2008
015396 39 Allocated Served Up Limited. 5+5 23/10/2008
015396 40 Allocated Premium O Limited 5+5 08/01/2009
015396 41 Allocated Mundio Mobile Limited 5+5 08/07/2009
015396 42 Allocated Barritel Limited 5+5 11/11/2008
015396 43 Allocated Danemere Street Creative 5+5 22/07/2009
015396 44 Allocated Numbergroup Network Ltd 5+5 15/11/2010
015396 450 Allocated Media Hawk Ltd 5+5 25/04/2013
015396 451 Allocated British Sky Broadcasting Limited 5+5 26/08/2014
01539 6452 Free - 5+5 -
01539 6453 Free - 5+5 -
015396 454 Allocated IOVOX Limited 5+5 22/08/2013
015396 455 Allocated IOVOX Limited 5+5 23/10/2014
015396 456 Allocated Simwood eSMS Limited 5+5 05/04/2013
01539 6457 Free - 5+5 -
01539 6458 Free - 5+5 -
015396 459 Allocated i-Net Communications Group Plc 5+5 25/06/2013
01539 6460 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6461 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6462 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6463 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6464 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6465 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6466 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6467 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6468 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6469 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6470 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6471 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6472 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6473 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6474 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6475 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6476 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6477 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6478 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6479 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6480 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6481 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6482 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6483 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6484 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6485 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6486 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6487 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6488 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6489 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6490 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6491 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6492 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6493 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6494 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6495 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6496 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6497 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6498 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6499 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 50 Allocated Linear Telecoms Limited 5+5 12/10/2010
01539 6510 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6511 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6512 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6513 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6514 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6515 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6516 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6517 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6518 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6519 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6520 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6521 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6522 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6523 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6524 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6525 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6526 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6527 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6528 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6529 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6530 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6531 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6532 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6533 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6534 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6535 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6536 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6537 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6538 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6539 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6540 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6541 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6542 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6543 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6544 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6545 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6546 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6547 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6548 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6549 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6550 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6551 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6552 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6553 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6554 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6555 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6556 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6557 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6558 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 6559 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 656 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 657 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 658 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 659 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 60 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 61 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 62 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 63 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 64 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 65 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
01539 666 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 667 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 668 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 69 Allocated BT 5+5 08/03/2011
015396 70 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 24/09/2004
01539 671 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 672 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 673 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 674 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 675 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 676 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 677 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 78 Allocated Magrathea Telecommunications Limited 5+5 24/09/2004
01539 679 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 80 Allocated Inclarity Communications Ltd 5+5 26/09/2006
01539 681 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 82 Allocated TelNG Limited 5+5 28/02/2007
015396 83 Allocated Localphone Limited 5+5 04/05/2007
015396 84 Allocated Teledesign Ltd 5+5 10/09/2007
015396 85 Allocated TTNC Limited 5+5 08/09/2006
015396 86 Allocated Net Solutions Europe Limited 5+5 22/03/2006
015396 87 Allocated Spitfire Network Services Ltd 5+5 22/08/2006
01539 688 Protected - 5+5 -
015396 89 Allocated Callagenix Ltd 5+5 20/10/2006
01539 690 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 691 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 692 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 693 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 694 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 695 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 696 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 697 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 698 Protected - 5+5 -
01539 699 Protected - N/A -