Code allocations for the 015242 STD code


  • Status
  • Operators : 0
  • Latest change : February 2025
Click here for Status definitions
Have you received a call from a number beginning 015242? Get information on a full number beginning 015242, using our full UK number search.
Find out about the location and calling costs for 015242 numbers on our 015242 code page.

This page contains information about which telephone companies the various 015242 numbers are allocated to.

First Digits Status Communications Provider Number Length Notes Change
01524 20 Free for National Dialling Only - (0)+10 - -
01524 21 Free for National Dialling Only - (0)+10 - -
015242 20 Allocated Telephony Services Limited 5+5 - 04/01/2008
015242 21 Allocated BT 5+5 - 28/11/2007
015242 22 Allocated BT 5+5 - 28/11/2007
015242 23 Allocated Frontier Systems Ltd 5+5 - 03/12/2007
015242 24 Allocated Net-Work Internet Ltd 5+5 - 27/03/2008
015242 25 Allocated Nationwide Telephone Assistance Ltd 5+5 - 10/07/2008
015242 26 Allocated Timico Limited 5+5 - 01/05/2008
015242 27 Allocated Nodemax Limited 5+5 - 15/07/2008
015242 28 Allocated Nexus Telecommunications Limited 5+5 - 28/09/2009
015242 29 Allocated Known Communications Limited 5+5 - 15/10/2010
015242 30 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 31 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 32 Allocated IOVOX Limited 5+5 - 03/07/2012
015242 330 Allocated Simwood eSMS Limited 5+5 - 05/04/2013
015242 331 Allocated i-Net Communications Group Plc 5+5 - 25/06/2013
015242 332 Allocated British Sky Broadcasting Limited 5+5 - 30/07/2014
01524 2333 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2334 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2335 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2336 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2337 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2338 Free - 5+5 - -
01524 2339 Free - 5+5 - -
015242 34 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 35 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 36 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 37 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 38 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 39 Allocated Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd 5+5 - 08/02/2010
015242 40 Allocated BT 5+5 - 08/03/2011
015242 41 Allocated BT 5+5 - 08/03/2011
015242 42 Allocated BT 5+5 - 08/03/2011
015242 43 Allocated BT 5+5 - 08/03/2011
01524 2440 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2441 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2442 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2443 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2444 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2445 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2446 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2447 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2448 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2449 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2450 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2451 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2452 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2453 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2454 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2455 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2456 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2457 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2458 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2459 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2460 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2461 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2462 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2463 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2464 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2465 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2466 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2467 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2468 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2469 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2470 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2471 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2472 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2473 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2474 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2475 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2476 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2477 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2478 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2479 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2480 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2481 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2482 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2483 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2484 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2485 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2486 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2487 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2488 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2489 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 49 Allocated BT 5+5 - 08/03/2011
015242 50 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 51 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 52 Allocated Invomo Ltd 5+5 - 07/12/2009
01524 2530 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2531 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2532 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2533 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2534 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2535 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2536 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2537 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2538 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2539 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2540 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2541 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2542 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2543 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2544 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2545 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2546 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2547 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2548 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2549 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 55 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
01524 2560 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2561 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2562 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2563 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2564 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2565 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2566 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2567 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2568 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2569 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2570 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2571 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2572 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2573 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2574 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2575 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2576 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2577 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2578 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 2579 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 258 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 59 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 6 Allocated BT 5+5 - 15/07/1994
01524 270 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 71 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 72 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 73 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 74 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
01524 275 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 76 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
01524 277 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 278 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 79 Allocated BT 5+5 - 27/07/2009
015242 80 Allocated British Sky Broadcasting Limited 5+5 - 11/02/2011
01524 281 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 82 Allocated Inclarity Communications Ltd 5+5 - 08/05/2006
01524 283 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 84 Allocated TG Support Limited 5+5 - 07/07/2006
015242 85 Allocated TTNC Limited 5+5 - 16/02/2006
015242 86 Allocated Spitfire Network Services Ltd 5+5 - 23/08/2006
015242 87 Allocated Coms.Com Ltd 5+5 - 10/07/2006
015242 88 Allocated Net Solutions Europe Limited 5+5 - 22/03/2006
015242 89 Allocated TelNG Limited 5+5 - 27/02/2007
015242 90 Allocated Teledesign Ltd 5+5 - 10/09/2007
015242 91 Allocated (aq) Limited trading as aql 5+5 F-Digit '0' 19/10/2011
015242 92 Allocated X-Pilot Limited 5+5 - 31/10/2007
015242 93 Allocated VoIP-Un Limited 5+5 - 31/10/2007
01524 294 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 295 Protected - 5+5 - -
01524 296 Protected - 5+5 - -
015242 97 Allocated TalkTalk Communications Limited 5+5 - 15/10/2007
015242 98 Allocated TalkTalk Communications Limited 5+5 - 08/10/2007
01524 299 Protected - N/A - -